
Comic Monster

Comic Monster is used to export your comic book archive files (cbz, cbr, cb7) into pdfs.

It will take single files, multiple files or whole directories.

You can install from the Mac App store: Comic Monster


Choose source and destination

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Choose a source: The source can be a single file, multiple files or one or more directories. If directories are chosen, the conversion will skip any files that are not comic book archives. You may also drag and drop files from Finder directly onto the conversion window.

Choose a destination: The destination MUST be a directory. All converted files will be placed in the chosen directory and may overwrite files with the same name that already exist.


Review images

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On the Pages tab, when you have a single file selected as your source, you have the option of reviewing the images before converting.

To do this push the Review button

Selecting images will allow you to move them around by dragging and dropping. Or you can delete images by using the Delete Selected button

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When you are working with multiple files to convert, they will appear in the File Queue tab. On this tab you can select and delete any that you do not want included in this conversion. You can also see the current status of the conversion of each entry.

When you are ready to export, click the Convert & Export button and choose between Export Original and Export Compressed.

  • Export Original will keep the images with the same quality as they had in the comic book archive.

  • Export Compressed will compress the images before writing the PDF which will make a smaller exported PDF file.


Reading Comic Books

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You can read comic books by using the File -> Read Comic option. This will open a comic book for reading.

The View menu has the reading options. You can choose double or single page display.

You can choose how the images will fit the screen. Fit to height, Fit to width, Actual size, and Fit height and width alter the display in the window. Scroll bars will appear when appropriate.

To move between pages you can use the Next and Previous or the right and left arrow keys.

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Sometimes when reading a digital comic book you might find that the pages do not line up the way they should for a dual page display. In ComicMonster you can use the right-click menu to split pages when this happens. That will display the page on the left as a solo page and match up the remaining pages in dual display.



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There are three preferences for Comic Monster.

  • A tick box for whether you want to include extra wide images in the output PDFs. Frequently, these are added by the person who made the archive and were not part of the original book.

  • A tick box for whether the Review should start automatically whenever you add a single file to the convert window

  • Multiple tick boxes for which files are allowed to be either viewed or converted.